1. What is the difference between a Project and a Grant in Karma GAP?

Project: This is a profile for your overall work or initiative. It can encompass various grants you've received. Think of it as your permanent portfolio within Karma GAP.

Grant: This refers to specific funding you receive from a particular community or organization. Each grant is linked to your main project profile.

  1. I don't see my community listed on Karma GAP. Can they still use it?

Yes! Communities can choose to implement Karma GAP on various networks like Optimism, Arbitrum, and Celo. If your community isn't listed yet, you can encourage them to explore Karma GAP for their grant management needs.

  1. Is my data secure on Karma GAP?

Karma GAP utilizes Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) schemas for data storage. EAS leverages the security of the underlying blockchain, ensuring data integrity and immutability. Additionally, grant managers can control access permissions for specific data fields.

  1. Who can create projects on Karma GAP?

Anyone with a compatible crypto wallet can create a project profile on Karma GAP. This allows individuals, teams, or organizations to showcase their work and potentially attract future grant funding.

  1. How can I learn more about Karma GAP and stay updated?

There are several ways to stay informed about Karma GAP:

  • Visit the Karma GAP Website for detailed information and resources.

  • Join the Karma GAP community on Telegram to connect with other users and get the latest updates.

  • Follow Karma GAP on the X platform for announcements and project developments.

Last updated