How does it work?

High level overview of GAP system


Every team (or individual) has a project profile in GAP. This profile contains everything about your project. We recommend you add a clear description of your project, details about the problem you are solving, social links and any help you need for your project.

Projects are created only once and are not to be confused with grants received from various communities.


Grant is funding you receive from an ecosystem to support your work. Every grant you receive can be linked to your Project. Grant details will include the description of the work you will be carrying out, impact details, grant amount, proposal details.


Every grant has 1 to many milestones. We recommend creating milestones for your grant work to clearly show different phases of your grant work and path to completion of the work. Each milestone should clearly say what you plan to accomplish and how an evaluator can verify your milestone upon completion.

Milestone Update

Upon completion of a milestone, post a milestone update under that milestone. Milestone update should clearly articulate the work you have completed and provide proof of your work. This proof will be reviewed by evaluators or community members (if your community has evaluators) to verify your milestone completion.

Grant Update

Grantees can also post regular updates in-between milestones to keep the grant manager or community updated on the their progress.


If you are a builder who has created impact through your project, you can create impact attestations on GAP. These impact attestations are a great way to show your impact and qualify for future retroactive funding.

Last updated