Add Grant to Project

Once you've created your project, you can now add a grant you've received. You can add all the grants you have received from various ecosystems. This will help build your reputation. All the grants will be linked to your project

Follow the steps below to add your grant

Step 1: Add new grant

Click on "Add a grant" button to start adding your grant.

View for adding first grant to a project

View for adding subsequent grants to a project

Step 2: Add Grant Details

Add your grant title and choose the community that issued a grant to you.

GAP supports multiple chains. We recommend choosing the community + network where your grant was issued. Example: We have Gitcoin community on both Arbitrum and Optimism. If you received a Gitcoin grant on Arbitrum network, choose "Gitcoin on Arbitrum"

Provide comprehensive answers to all questions regarding impact measurement. This is your opportunity to articulate to the community how your grant is making an impact. When grant managers or community members evaluate your grant, they will refer to your answers to gauge its effectiveness.

Last updated